Cambridge Progression Past Year Papers

Tips in Facing Cambridge Progression Test

Before you get into Cambridge Progression past year papers for a holistic preparation on your examination, let’s take a look at the definition. Cambridge primary progression test is a test series from 3 to 6 stages, and it could be used by schools or teachers to assess the performance of students. It is to see how far the students could comprehend the material delivered in Cambridge curriculum. The subjects are English as first and second language, science and mathematics. If you want to pass the test and get the best result, here are the tips in facing progression test.

  • All formula notes must be immediately made/completed into one book
  • The notes are not only recorded but memorized without getting haggled. And there is no word to wait tomorrow to memorize. Memorizing the formula is believed Mr Akong contributed 90 percent to student grades
  • The learning process is not like magic; today learning tomorrow can. But need to exercise regularly. If you’ve memorized stuck notes, immediately apply work on the problem.
  • Working on the Cambridge problem isn’t as smooth as it seems. There are certainly many questions that cannot be done because the level of questions is very difficult. Make two plans, namely Plan A and Plan B. Plan A, which is to work the best of the questions at the easiest level, continue to climb to the questions with difficult levels in sequence. However, if it is felt that it is still lacking, immediately move to Plan B, which is working on problems by topics, but it must be considered that the time constraints that exist must be carefully considered. As for plan C when it is deemed necessary, materials that have not been mastered should be discussed first, before starting to work on mixed questions. Check out Cambridge Progression past year papers to see and categorize the questions.
  • Collect difficult questions that cannot be worked out in 1 difficult question book, which can then be reviewed. Then bring the questions to the school teacher asking to be discussed. If you feel awkward about the school teacher, or if you feel the explanation of the school teacher is still unclear, maybe because you are not good at teaching, ask the tutor. Because usually communication with tutors is smoother than with school teachers.
  • The practice book must be very thick, to prevent loss of the book. If you can, the exercise question book can cover four years of lessons, and it is highly traded because, based on the experience of the teacher, the results of students with good book management are many times more than students with rudimentary book management (using paper files / thin books).

That’s all the tips you can do before getting into a progression test. Always remember that there are many files of Cambridge Progression past year papers you can access to enhance your preparation skills. Always make sure that you get the best result no matter it is just only progression test or final test. Just be confident about what you are going to do in your progression test.